15 Most Strange Buildings of the World

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The Anti-Gravity Man

Johan Lorbeer is a German street performer. He became famous in the past few years because of his "Still-Life" Performances, which took place in the public area. His installations includes "Proletarian Mural" and "Tarzan", which are famous in Germany. Several of these performances feature Lorbeer in an apparently impossible position.

On May 14, 2008, an Azande high court accused Lorbeer of practicing witchcraft. The basis of this accusation is a recently published metareview, which compiled and analyzed the data concerning rates of impotence among his male (and German female) audiences. Thus, he has cancelled his plans to perform his "Thinker" pose while perched atop a pregnant white rhino.

Although this trick seems genuine, it is not magic. He manages these positions by hiding his actual arm under his clothing and the 'arm' that is seen sticking to the wall is a support bar.

How to check dataone usage ? Checking BSNL Broadband Usage

As you know all DataOne plans are NOT unlimited. So if you have opted for a limited plan then you should be carefull about the dataone usage.Your Dataone broadband usage can be checked as follows.
1) Open in Internet Explorer ( Firefox not supported).


Please try Check Broadband Usage
2) Enter you dataone username and password.
3) Click on "Service Records" link.
4) Select the month for period you are checking the usage.
5) Click 'OK'6) Value of 'Total Volume' is your total dataone usage of that particular month.Important :
if you open this link in any browser other than Internet Explorer, you may get an error message like "{ Sorry, you cannot access portal because your explore is not Cookie-enabled.Please set your exploreCookie-enabled, and access portal again!"So Please try with internet Explorer Only. Also please note that the link is accessible only from DataOne internet connection.Note: Installing ad blocking software / Pop Up & Ad Blocking Add Ons in your browser will help you to reduce the dataone usage.Remember Small Plans and Big Usage will increase your bill.

How Google Detects Invalid Clicks

We always hear that Google has a sophisticated system to detect the invalid clicks, and result in termination of the cheaters’ account. But, how can Google do that? In this post, I summarize those ways that Google depends on to detect whether the clicks on your site are invalid or not. Google will not first ban your account immediately. Rather, they will first flag your account and Google will keep a closer eye to your account. In some occasion, they may send you a warning letter to notify your situation; but sometimes not.

1. IP Address

It is the easist and must be recognized by everyone. If those clicks on your ads are originated from the same IP Address as the one used for accessing your AdSense account, your account is flagged.

2. Click Through Rate (CTR)

Normally, Click thru Rate should not excees 10%. Otherwise, Google will flag your account. For your information, normal CTR should ranges from 0.5% - 10%.

3. Physical Location

Google has good tracing software and technology.They can trace traffics origin down to the small town. So, using different computers with different IP address does not secure anything. So, don’t try to click your ads in various internet cafes. That will kill you.

4. Cookies

Most home users do not use static IP Address for Internet connection. In most cases just disconnect and reconnect will give you a new IP Address. But don’t forget, Google has set cookies on your computer. They can trace these cookies and see whether they originate from the same computer.

5. Click Pattern 1

It is also suspicious when people click on their clicks and then run away immediately (hit-and-run). But normally, people will surf for a while inside your pages and then click on the ads they want.

6. Click Pattern 2

why this computer / IP address / person is so trigger-click-happy on this particular website but never click on the ads on other sites?

7. Click Pattern 3

And why is it that people accessing these sites direct (type-in URL or from bookmark) tend to be very active ad-clickers compared with those referred from search engine or other sites?

8.Other Google Services

Apart from Google Adsense, Google also provide a series of services to us. Don’t just think that it is safe if you do not log in your adsense account and click on your ads. What other Google services do they provide to us? Here are some: Gmail (most poeple are using it), Google Earth, Google Calendar, Google Search, Google Toolbar, Google Talk, Google Sitemap, Google Desktop, Blogger, or even Youtube (coz Google has just recently acquired it).

10. Search Engine Ranking
Your website is not indexed on any search engine, not linked by any prominent website, but get consistently high traffic? How come people can access your website and click your ads? That will make Google to smell a rat.

11. Webpage design
How about the “Please click a link below” or “donate us by clicking the ads”? These kinds of encouragement is not in line with Google’s TOS. Google can use their winning search engine, or even human eyes to check your sites from time to time.

12. Advertisers conversion rate

Ad click is one thing. But does it bring value to the advertisers? If none of the clicks on your site translate to conversion to the advertiser, you are in trouble. First the Smart-Pricing hits, then your AdSense account disabled.

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