5 Techniques to Generate Returning Visitors

An online business millionaire is the one with successful websites. Successful websites depend on returning visitors where their traffic comes in. Paying customer usually comes from returning visitors. When visitors trust your website, they will keep returning back to your websites. You show your credibility and they trust you.

Here are the 5 techniques to generate returning visitors to your website:

1. Provide visitors with interactive medium

Visitors will enjoy the site if they have opportunities to interact with you or other visitors and voice their opinions. Look at many successful social based website. When visitors feels being part of the site and chance to making friends with the same interest, they more likely to return to your site again. So that everybody can share knowledge or opinions such as how to become millionaires.

2. Build relationship with your visitors

You must be already alert about how effective blog to the online business. Keep in touch with your visitors will increase possibility of free visitors to become paid customers. For that purpose, you should keep them update of your activities, products or services. Made them feel you are the real person and this will increase their trust towards yourself and your business. More closer your visitors to yourself and your business, more money will comes towards you. Besides, you will have more friends or we can say network. It's not just about money. It's also about relationship with others.

3. Get feedback from your visitors

Many big successful companies worldwide will conduct market study before they lunch their products. Same goes for online business. You can ask your visitors about what they need or opinions regarding any issues related to your business or new coming products. In such a way, your visitors will feel that their opinion is valuable and you as a seller or service provider care about their need. This will keep your visitors feel likely to return to your site.

4. Provide fun within your website

You might want your visitors to having fun while their navigating your site, right? So, you may provide them with interesting quizzes or games related to your business or services. People love quizzes and games to entertain themselves. Just put simple quizzes with the answers given after their finish answering and light games where they can play online in your site.

5. Visitors like news and update information

Keep your website update frequently with fresh content so that every time your visitors come back, they get new and update information. If they return and found only old info that their read 3 months before, you will probably never see them again. If possible you should update your site at least once a week. If you conduct a blog, update at least three times a week.

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