How Google Detects Invalid Clicks

We always hear that Google has a sophisticated system to detect the invalid clicks, and result in termination of the cheaters’ account. But, how can Google do that? In this post, I summarize those ways that Google depends on to detect whether the clicks on your site are invalid or not. Google will not first ban your account immediately. Rather, they will first flag your account and Google will keep a closer eye to your account. In some occasion, they may send you a warning letter to notify your situation; but sometimes not.

1. IP Address

It is the easist and must be recognized by everyone. If those clicks on your ads are originated from the same IP Address as the one used for accessing your AdSense account, your account is flagged.

2. Click Through Rate (CTR)

Normally, Click thru Rate should not excees 10%. Otherwise, Google will flag your account. For your information, normal CTR should ranges from 0.5% - 10%.

3. Physical Location

Google has good tracing software and technology.They can trace traffics origin down to the small town. So, using different computers with different IP address does not secure anything. So, don’t try to click your ads in various internet cafes. That will kill you.

4. Cookies

Most home users do not use static IP Address for Internet connection. In most cases just disconnect and reconnect will give you a new IP Address. But don’t forget, Google has set cookies on your computer. They can trace these cookies and see whether they originate from the same computer.

5. Click Pattern 1

It is also suspicious when people click on their clicks and then run away immediately (hit-and-run). But normally, people will surf for a while inside your pages and then click on the ads they want.

6. Click Pattern 2

why this computer / IP address / person is so trigger-click-happy on this particular website but never click on the ads on other sites?

7. Click Pattern 3

And why is it that people accessing these sites direct (type-in URL or from bookmark) tend to be very active ad-clickers compared with those referred from search engine or other sites?

8.Other Google Services

Apart from Google Adsense, Google also provide a series of services to us. Don’t just think that it is safe if you do not log in your adsense account and click on your ads. What other Google services do they provide to us? Here are some: Gmail (most poeple are using it), Google Earth, Google Calendar, Google Search, Google Toolbar, Google Talk, Google Sitemap, Google Desktop, Blogger, or even Youtube (coz Google has just recently acquired it).

10. Search Engine Ranking
Your website is not indexed on any search engine, not linked by any prominent website, but get consistently high traffic? How come people can access your website and click your ads? That will make Google to smell a rat.

11. Webpage design
How about the “Please click a link below” or “donate us by clicking the ads”? These kinds of encouragement is not in line with Google’s TOS. Google can use their winning search engine, or even human eyes to check your sites from time to time.

12. Advertisers conversion rate

Ad click is one thing. But does it bring value to the advertisers? If none of the clicks on your site translate to conversion to the advertiser, you are in trouble. First the Smart-Pricing hits, then your AdSense account disabled.

Human Population Crisis

There are numerous problems with the environment today. Problems that are in dire need of attention. However, what needs to be acknowledged is that the vast majority of these problems cannot be corrected in the long run without first dealing with the problem of overpopulation.

When people think of population, they're most likely to think of swarms of people. Overpopulation is not population density, but rather the number of people in an area relative to its resources and the capacity of the environment to sustain human activities. Even more important than the number of people are the resources consumed by each person, and the damage done by technologies used to supply them.

As the population of the United States recently surpassed 300,000,000, many people are still incapable of sensing the problem of overpopulation. They point to the fact that there is enough wide open space available to hold numerous times the present population. But what they don't realize is that most of the open space that they are talking about is not inhabitable.

Sure there are other countries that have many more people per square mile than the United States. But these countries are either third world countries that use just a small percentage of the natural resources that we do, or else they rely on other countries to supply them with natural resources. Overpopulation is when the number of people can not be permanently maintained without depleting resources and without degrading the environment and the people's standard of living. Because we are rapidly using up resources around the world, virtually all nations are overpopulated.

If you were to take a standard sheet of writing paper .1mm thick and cut it into two sheets, placing one atop the other, it would then be .2mm thick. Then, cutting the stack of two and making a stack of 4 sheets, it would then be .4mm thick. Believe it or not, if you continued to do this just one hundred times, doubling the size of the stack each time, the thickness of the stack would be 1.334 x 1011 light-years. This is an example of exponential growth, where the rate of growth is always proportional to it's present size.

Exponential growth also applies to the the human population. It begins growing very slowly, but over generations the growth rate increases more and more rapidly, similar to a snowball affect. It took the human population thousands of years to reach 1 billion in 1804. However, it took only 123 years for us to double to 2 billion in 1927. The population hit 4 billion in 1974 (only 47 years), and if we continue at our current rate, the human population will reach 8 billion in 2028. Doubling from our present count of 6.6 billion to 13.2 billion will have a much greater impact than our last couple doublings combined.

Overpopulation is not population density (amount of people per landmass), but rather when the number of people in an area exceeds the resources and the capacity of the environment necessary to sustain human activities. So much focus is placed on the rapid population growth in third world countries. However, when we compare lifestyles of the rich countries vs. the poor countries, the rich countries are a much greater problem. Just as much as the population size, we need to consider the resources consumed by each person, and the damage done by technologies used to supply them. Overpopulation is when the number of people can not be permanently maintained without depleting resources and without degrading the environment and the people's standard of living. Because we are rapidly using up resources around the world, virtually all nations are overpopulated. This applies even more so to the rich nations. As we use up the resources, the earth's carrying capacity continues to decrease.

Just like with people, an overpopulation of animals is not defined by the number of animals that could hypothetically fit within a specific area, but rather when the number of animals that occupy their habitat are not capable of behaving as they naturally would. Unfortunately, the animals' behavior is often altered not so much by their number, but by humans encroaching upon their habitat and then claiming the animal to be a nuisance to man. We should practice the saying "live and let live, " but we do not have the resources to do this while our number continues to increase.

Lifespan/Quantity vs. Quality
One thing which must be taken into consideration is the amount of time, money, and effort we have spent toward saving and extending lives. Billions of dollars have been spent in this field, and successfully. However, something that we also must look at is the effect this has had on our own number. How much have we contributed to birth control, family planning, and preservation of the environment? Nature is a balance of existence. In order to coincide with nature, we must balance the saving and extending of lives with controlling the number of lives which we produce. We mustn't use resources any faster than they can be reproduced. We need to respect ourselves by learning to respect the environment which we depend on for our own existence. If not, we will cease to exist.

Top Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

If you want to make money online, and blogging is the means by which you are trying to reach that goal, you are going to need a good amount of traffic to your blog. It's no secret that the more TRAFFIC you generate, the more money making potential you have. So if that's the case then why are a lot of people struggling to make money online from their blogs? Well there could be a number of factors which aren't what we will focus on. What is most important to us is How to drive traffic to your blog and if you really put forth the right amount of work, you can increase your traffic as well. This is how to do it.

1. Create A user friendly website. Create an efficient website that provides value to its guests that visit it. whether you are selling something or just providing your visitors with valuable information, The contents should be something that they desire and yearn for. When you have your site, supply useful info, guides on how to do something, and tools that are easy to use and beneficial to your site visitors.

2. Write articles. When you Write articles and submit them to article directories, this technique exposes your website links to others and you start to become looked upon as an expert in the topic that you are talking about. The most important aspect to having a successful article is writing quality material. It should be informative and really, really be able to help the person reading it. If they benefit from your information, then they will continue to read your stuff.

3. Participate in forums. Participating in Forums is a great way to drive traffic to your blog or website. It is also an excellent way to get feedback from people who visit . This helps provide real testimonials from real people and adds a desire to buy your product from others who read it.

4. Blog regularly. You should start a blog where you can post info about your insights on the niche related to your site. You don't have to post every day, But make sure you post at least once a week.

How to Generate Traffic With Classified Ads

So you've created your website. Now what? So many people think that just creating a website is enough to bring in visitors. Perhaps, when the internet was just getting started and people were starving for something new to read on the web, this used to be true. Currently, however, driving traffic to a website is nothing short of a science!

You've probably read plenty of articles on article marketing, social bookmarking, trading content, advertising and other complicated methods of getting the word out about your site. Your brain is probably swimming with all of the information you've read, but have you thought about something simple like taking out a classified ad?

Believe it or not, it is possible to drive traffic to a website with classified ads. Here are a few hints to help you figure out how to generate traffic with classified ads:

1. Online classified ads are just as effective as newspaper ads and are usually a lot more cost effective! Sites like Craigslist, Kijiji and Gumtree are offer free classified advertising and millions of visitors each day!

2. Take advantage of an advertising service that will syndicate and submit your ads for you. Sites like ClassifiedFlyerAd will help you create a free flyer and then send that flyer out to dozens of advertising portals all over the internet. Exercise caution when using these kinds of services though, because you won't be able to control which categories your ad gets posted in!

3. Newsletters also feature advertising space that you can utilize. Visit sites like Newsletteraccess to find out which newsletters are targeted toward the same market as your website.

4. Always have an attention grabbing headline. Most people choose whether or not to read a classified ad solely on the text of the headline. If your headline is boring, people will skip your ad!

5. Keep your ads short and to the point. People don't want to read a novel. They just want a fast and compelling reason to click through to your site. Your site can convince them to buy your products. The ad's purpose is to increase your readership.

6. Do your best to tailor the text of your ad to the category in which it appears. People searching for a service want to be sold. People looking for something to read want to be entertained. Keep your reader in mind when creating your classified ad.

Good luck!

5 Techniques to Generate Returning Visitors

An online business millionaire is the one with successful websites. Successful websites depend on returning visitors where their traffic comes in. Paying customer usually comes from returning visitors. When visitors trust your website, they will keep returning back to your websites. You show your credibility and they trust you.

Here are the 5 techniques to generate returning visitors to your website:

1. Provide visitors with interactive medium

Visitors will enjoy the site if they have opportunities to interact with you or other visitors and voice their opinions. Look at many successful social based website. When visitors feels being part of the site and chance to making friends with the same interest, they more likely to return to your site again. So that everybody can share knowledge or opinions such as how to become millionaires.

2. Build relationship with your visitors

You must be already alert about how effective blog to the online business. Keep in touch with your visitors will increase possibility of free visitors to become paid customers. For that purpose, you should keep them update of your activities, products or services. Made them feel you are the real person and this will increase their trust towards yourself and your business. More closer your visitors to yourself and your business, more money will comes towards you. Besides, you will have more friends or we can say network. It's not just about money. It's also about relationship with others.

3. Get feedback from your visitors

Many big successful companies worldwide will conduct market study before they lunch their products. Same goes for online business. You can ask your visitors about what they need or opinions regarding any issues related to your business or new coming products. In such a way, your visitors will feel that their opinion is valuable and you as a seller or service provider care about their need. This will keep your visitors feel likely to return to your site.

4. Provide fun within your website

You might want your visitors to having fun while their navigating your site, right? So, you may provide them with interesting quizzes or games related to your business or services. People love quizzes and games to entertain themselves. Just put simple quizzes with the answers given after their finish answering and light games where they can play online in your site.

5. Visitors like news and update information

Keep your website update frequently with fresh content so that every time your visitors come back, they get new and update information. If they return and found only old info that their read 3 months before, you will probably never see them again. If possible you should update your site at least once a week. If you conduct a blog, update at least three times a week.

How Much Traffic Is Enough Traffic

If you have a website you a well aware of the fact that without traffic, you might as well not have a website. So how much traffic is enough traffic? Website traffic is an interesting thing. You can never have enough traffic. Traffic is the lifeblood of a website, and website owners are constantly looking for ways to drive traffic to their sites. Traffic, traffic, traffic. Anyone who intends to make any kind of money from a website quickly realizes that the first thing that they have to do is drive traffic.

If, for some reason, you haven't realized this little tidbit of information you soon will. When I started my first website, I thought that traffic would somehow magically appear. I'll give you one guess as to what happened? No traffic appeared. I quickly figured out that you had to literally go out and get it. That is unless you have a big advertising budget. And if you do have a big advertising budget, get ready to waste some money figuring things out because there are a ton of unscrupulous companies making unrealistic claims about bringing traffic to your site.

The traffic puzzle is a tough one, there's no question about it. If you're attempting to generate money on the Internet, traffic is the key. Not just traffic, but quality traffic and lots of it. So if you have a website, and have the intention of generating money, start researching ways that you can drive traffic to your site. By the way, one of those ways is through writing articles. Just remember: you can never have enough traffic and traffic is harder to come by than you may think.

Traffic, Traffic, Traffic, Why?

Assuming you feel qualified to take on the challenge of generating income from blogging (and I haven’t scared you away yet), the three most important things you need to monetize your blog are traffic, traffic, and traffic.

Why is traffic so important? Because for most methods of online income generation, your income is a function of traffic. If you double your traffic, you’ll probably double your income (assuming your visitor demographics remain fairly consistent). You can screw almost everything else up, but if you can generate serious traffic, it’s really hard to fail. With sufficient traffic the realistic worst case is that you’ll eventually be able to monetize your web site via trial and error (as long as you keep those visitors coming).

When I first launched this blog, I knew that traffic building was going to be my biggest challenge. All of my plans hinged on my ability to build traffic. If I couldn’t build traffic, it was going to be very difficult to succeed. So I didn’t even try to monetize my site for the first several months. I just focused on traffic building.

With respect to traffic, you should know that in many respects, the rich do get richer. High traffic leads to even more traffic-building opportunities that just aren’t accessible for low-traffic sites.

If you’re intelligent and web savvy, you should also be able to eventually build a high-traffic web site. And you’ll be able to leverage that traffic to build even more traffic.

9 Steps to Get Started With Generating Traffic

Web site with poor traffic is of no use. If your web site does not have good traffic than there is no meaning of investment that you have made in creating your colorful web site. Here are 9 ways to get started with generating traffic.

Step 1: Make your web site search engine optimized. Your web site should have a content that is rich in keywords which makes it easy for search engines to locate your page. A good ranking on a search engine results page will generate traffic on your web site.

Step2: Starting a business blog on your web site will help in generating traffic to your web site.

Step3: Article submission is a great way of generating traffic to your web site. You can write keyword rich articles and submit them to various article directories. Use the resource box of the article to add links to your web site to generate traffic to your web site.

Step4: You can use social networking web sites such as Squidoo and MySpace to generate traffic to your web site.

Step5: You can request high traffic web site to put the links of your web site on them in exchange of their links on yours. You will benefit from the traffic on these web sites.

Step6: To generate traffic to your web site you can take help of email marketing.

Step7: A large and targeted emailing list can boost traffic to your web site.

Step8: Submitting your web site to various search engines has always proved great in generating good traffic to your web site.

Step9: Proper promotion of your web site by viral as well as non viral means is also a good way of generating traffic to your web site.

Blogging Tips For Slow Blogging Growth

The world is rapidly changing because of the onset of technology. New devices were being invented, newer structural designs were being implemented. Obsolescence or the process of being obsolete is getting shorter each day. An example would be cell phones, the latest model today would be obsolete one year from now. Because of newer models being introduced every six months, the rate of change and turnover is likewise fast.

The same is true for words. Now, the word "wiki" is as common as the word book. Wiki by definition is a website whose content can be edited by the visitors. Another new word is "widget" are those little things on a website that tells time, weather, jokes or stock market reports. And still another new word that is currently making the rounds of the internet is blogging or blog.

By definition the word "blog" is an abridgment of two words, web and log. A blog is a website maintained by an individual containing regular commentaries or opinions on an assortment of subjects from the mundane to the sublime. It is a form of on-line diary where the individual can put anything that he likes or dislikes, what he feels about a situation or on a person among others.

All bloggers or the person who does the blogging want to reach out to as many audience as possible. Bloggers want to be read and heard. They want their opinions and commentaries to be known by people around the world. They want their websites to be visited by as much as many visitors in a day.

But sadly, some blogs are not that popular with people and visitors alike. What could be the reason for this slow and lukewarm acceptance from the targeted people or audience. Listed below are some of the reason for this slow growth. Knowing the reason might give you some blogging tips for you to consider in making your website to be very busy in terms of the number of visitors.

- Boring Content. Obviously when people do not like what you are talking about or they are not interested at all, they will not attempt to visit the site again or worse they will tell their friends that your website is no good. Try to put your ears on the ground and feel what is popular nowadays. Try to learn what people are like to talk about. For bloggers this is the time to innovate, to be creative and to develop a fresh approach to everything. Do not just copy the success of other blogs. Try to stand out from among the clutter and create a brand that is truly you. Try to figure out who your target market is and from there research on what they like and their interests. This is called niche marketing, where you appeal to a specific target audience. This audience could be men, women, teens, professionals etc.

- Poor Promotion. Promotional activities are an important aspect for people trying to market their blogs. Promotional activities lets people know that your website exists and they should try visiting it. Your objective here is to gain loyal subscribers thru regular feedback and drawing comments. Promotions could be done thru networking with other websites. These websites can refer their visitors to your site. One thing that you can do is to be active in social networking sites. Social networking sites are a great way to reach a relatively good number of people in a short period of time.

- Being Inconsistent. One of the many pitfalls of writing a blog is the long lull from being productive in your blogs to writing nothing at all. This could happen because of inconsistency in writing the content of your site. Regular subscribers can easily tell if you are doing your work or not. If they can see that you are inconsistent in this aspect they will not return again to your website. One way to be consistent is to set a specific time in writing your blogs. Be specific and disciplined on your schedule to make your blogs truly worthwhile to read and comment on.

These are the basic blogging tips that you'll need if ever you would start your own blog. Remember, your objective in setting up your website is to attract as many subscribers as possible. Avoiding the above pitfalls can at least bring you to that objective.

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